
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Another Epidsode of Egyptian Anti-Semitisim

Egypt is blowing up! AGAIN! I really do not know what to say about this. However, what caught my attention were the posters that Anti-Morsi protesters were using. They had his picture in the middle of an Israeli flag. They are basically calling him a Zionist Spy or sympathizers. Really? This is your argument? Morsi is a Zionist agent and that is why he is screwing up. Sweet mother of G-d, you VOTED him in, this is your product. NOW LIVE WITH IT! I respect your right to protest, I respect your right to reject a leader, but I cannot respect your opinion when it is based upon hate.

Egyptian masses are by far one of the most Anti-Semitic societies in the region. Their entire culture has invested its values upon blaming Jews and hating of the Jews. Every time their country hit a bump on the road, they look to outside to blame their problems. Personal accountability is never a factor in that region. Egyptian citizens VOTED in masses for Morsi. Muslim Brotherhood decisively won the election. When the Egyptians were faced with the reality of their vote, they decided to reject him. Anybody with double digit IQ would have told you that Muslim Brotherhood primary goal would be to institutionalize Islamic law. The good of the country was not the primary goal. Institutionalizing Islamic Law would entail passing laws that would infringe many legal and human rights that our contemporary civilized society will utilize to create a functioning society.
Perfect examples include women rights and gay rights in the society. When the Egyptian realized that Muslim Brotherhood is simply chasing after its religious obligation rather than Egyptian national interest, they want to change. How do they want to change it? They want to change it by calling Muslim Brotherhood and Morsi Zionist agents. My message to Egyptian: until the day that you promote personal accountability, your leaders will not embrace it, and if your leaders do not embrace it, then your country will never find its path to success. Egypt has to abandon Anti-Semitism, its leaders MUST work on educating its citizens about the horrific effects of Anti-Semitism in the society. Other than that, Egypt will remain the slum of the Middle East.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Iran Silent on Lynching of Shiite Worshipers

First and foremost, I would like to warn you that this clip is very graphic. This clip is lynching mob in Egypt who are murdering a Shiite worshiper. I would like to be on the record, I am not defender of Iran or their religious Shiite imperialistic agendas. Iran is trying to produce a Shiite majority in the region and they do not stop at any cost to push their agendas. If you need direct evidence for this contention, you should look at Syria where Hezbollah and their boss, the Iranian regime, who have murdered 93,000 Muslims. However, this is barbaric. This is unacceptable; this is something that even sub-humans would not do it. Here is the clip.

The interesting part of this is that Iran, a Shiite regime, did not condemn the lynching. They were absolutely silent on the issue. The only Iranian news outlet that reported on this was Fars News Agency. The funniest part: THEY BLAMED THE ZIONISTS! Are you seriously kidding me? The reason for such a move is that Islamic Regime of Iran classified the Egyptian revolt as an “Islamic Awakening”. Well, I am not disagreeing with that view; however this is the direct product of such “Awakening”. At the same time, Iran: YOU ARE DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS, NOT THE ZIONIST. Iran and Hezbollah have conducted mass murder of Syrians who are predominantly Sunnis. They are doing it in the name Shiite, so you are responsible for it. Of course, these worthless regimes and movements would NEVER EVER take responsibility for anything. To make it even worst was their silence. They are the defender of Muslims and Shiite as they have proclaimed themselves to be, however when it comes to their own kind, they are just absolutely silent.

I personally condemn this act in every level. I do not care for the fact that they have been pissed off by Iran and Shiites activities in the region. If you are pissed off, go fight them in Syria. Acting like hordes of barbaric animals and murdering an INNOCENT worshiper is never the answer. But in all seriousness, DID YOU EXPECT ANYTHING DIFFERENT? Enjoy your revolution Egyptians!! Remember the fact that you look down on Israelis as sub-humans? Now enjoy your own culture and revolution. I have zero respect for Egypt at this point because every time I look at their culture, media, or anything from Egypt, it is filled with blatant Anti-Semitism toward Jews and Israel. I will never respect that country until they start acting like responsible culture and civilized nation in the region.

Special thanks to "For a democratic secular Iran. For peace and prosperity in the Middle East". I found this story on this blog.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Mr. Dagan, Please SHUT UP!

I really do not like to analyze internal aspect of Israeli politics. However, this guy (Dagan) is really getting on my nerves. Here is what he said,

Former Mossad chief Meir Dagan offered on Wednesday a strong rebuttal to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's statement that Israel must instill fear in the heart of Syria. Responding to the prime minister's implied threat, Dagan asserted: "If you want to shoot – shoot – don't talk".

He is the most irresponsible Mossad Chief in the history of Israel. What kind of a former intelligence chief would be running their mouth like this guy does? With regards to Iran, his excuse was that Bibi is dragging Israel into a deadly war that it cannot win. What is his excuse now? Why is he meddling and offering such ridiculous rebuttals? Is Israel’s existence the excuse for him to get involved? I believe he has something bigger in mind which is Politics. He gained international popularity with regards to his stand and the rift and division he created inside Israel with regards to Iran and its nuclear program. I think he enjoyed doing that a lot and he wants to stay in the political arena. Mr. Dagan, it is time for you to shut up and put Israel’s existence in front of your personal agenda and gain. I know it might look very poetic to provide rebuttal to the current Israeli government and you as an individual are well within your rights to do so, however keep in mind that you were the former Mossad chief and you cannot use that position to push your personal opinion as the national agenda.
At the end, as sad as the situation is in Syria, Israel SHOULD NOT GET INVOLVED unless their interests are DIRECTLY affected by the situation in Syria. Example: if Syria is handing over weapons to Hezbollah, Israel should hit them and hit them hard. However, if it does not involved Israel directly, Israel should not get involved at all. Israel is viewed as the common enemy or the escape goat in the region. If Israel gets involved, it would literally hand in the license to kills anybody to Syrian regime. Mr. Daggan false contention is that Israel should shoot if it choses to and not talk. Israel should always provide its enemy with deterrence and you establish that deterrence with actions and strong words. Bibi is doing the right thing by warning Syria and Bibi has fulfilled its promise. When Israel chooses to use strong words, it is to transit a strong message to its enemy of the consequences. Dagan has no place what so ever to come in here and tell the Prime Minister what to say or not say. However, as I mentioned above, Dagans comments has nothing to do with what’s right or wrong, it has to do with his personal political goal. So, I respectfully ask him to shut up!

Friday, June 14, 2013

A Joke Called "Iranian Election"

After couple of weeks of being quiet on the blog sphere, I am making a comeback. There are a lot of exciting update about my life and career and I was tied up in couple of trials. I will provide the story later. Now let’s go back to what I love the most which is Middle East Politics. So, today was the scheduled Joke that the Iranian murderous regime would like to call an “election”. Keep in mind, nothing in this show resembles like a free and democratic election. However, it is finally over and we could move on. A lot of factors are awaiting the result of this so-called election because it would give them a much clear path of this deadly regime. So, let’s what could happen. However, here is a song that addresses what happened last time.