
Monday, July 23, 2012

Happy 6th Year Annivesary to my Blog

Today is July 23rd and it is a very special day for this blog. Today is the 6th year anniversary since I have started this blog. Every year, I try to commemorate this date. It feels like yesterday when I started this blog. So much has changed that I do not know where to begin. Plus, I am not even sure what to write about when it comes to this date. The only thing I could write about is some update about my own life.
Since the start of this blog, a lot has changed. I have attended law school and finished it. I have moved back to Los Angeles. I have been quite lucky when it comes to employment. I am going to focus more about my employment. I am currently working as a Tax Attorney at one of the biggest tax firms in the U.S. I started working at my current employer about Twenty months ago. I started as a Case Specialist. Since I started at this job, I was able to progress in an incredible paste. Currently, I am the supervising attorney for all employment and corporate Tax issues at this firm. Currently, I have about seventy clients as my own cases and I am supervising over five hundred clients. I am the second best attorney and one of the youngest ones at this firm. Achieving such great accomplishment has not been easy. On average, I have been working about 70-80hrs a week including almost every Sunday.
If you would have asked me Six years that I would be working as a tax attorney, I would have never believed that statements. When I was in law school, I thought tax was the most boring area of law. As it turns out, Tax Law has been the most exciting area of law that I have experienced so far. For some reason, I am incredibly good at it too.
The reason that I find Tax Law to be so interesting is that you have an opportunity to have client from all aspects of the society. They all have different stories to share. Although the path to resolving their cases might be a bit similar to one another, but the stories behind them are unique and fascinating. What makes it even more interesting is the part where you apply the rules to these unique facts. Although there are times that the work load gets to you, but at the end you are never bored at this job. The last thing I would call this area of law is boring.
When you work as an attorney, you always keep track of the best and worst cases you have ever handled. The best settlement I have ever accomplished for my client has been wiping out $1.3 million dollars for my client. When I took over the case, it was in a pretty bad shape. The case was neglected for a while and it had been dragging for over four years. After six months of working on this case on daily basis, the client ended up not having to pay a dime on his liability. The worst case I have handled was this client from Utah. The client was this honest hard-working man who had gone through tough times. The IRS Revenue Officer levied this business into bankruptcy and there was nothing I could do to stop her. So, as you could see, there are some good times and bad times at this work like any other job.
Besides the employment, not much has been going on in my life. I have not traveled anywhere interesting. I went to South Beach Florida for five days. That’s about it. I lost my grandmother about six months ago who was one of the dearest people in my life. I did not write about it because I have not found the courage to deal with that issue. I feel very bad that I did not get to go to Jerusalem and see her one more time. She always had a special place in my heart. That is the only thing I could say about this.
On a much lighter note, the lease on my car was up, so I traded it for something much better. Although, I have realized that it probably was not a good idea to get that car. My goal for the next year is to improve my social life. Unfortunately, work has taken over every aspect of my life. I wake up 6 a.m. and leave home around 6:45 a.m. I return home around 10-11P.m and I go straight to bed. There is no room for anything else. So, I really need to improve that area.
Besides that, that is pretty much the development of my life. My plan for this blog is to find some times and improve the template a bit more. The blog went through some major makeover about eight months ago. However, I still do not feel that I am done. It is a work in progress. The biggest issue is finding the time to do it. The blog will be a lot more active, however that is contingent on the fact that I find the time to do it.
So, stay tuned!

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