I don't know why but somehow this is really really funny to me.
Warning:This site may contain adult language, psychological nudity, and enlightening materials that might cause sudden discomfort and shock to fascists, racists, anti-Semites, Communists, Nazis, pro-Palestinians, Islamo Fascists, liberals, victorcrats, Islamic Terrorists, and terrorist apologists or sympethizers.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
A Good Day for Congo after 5 Million are Dead
As I was bored in my Trust and Estate class and trying to ignore my extremely annoying and loud professor, I checked the News and I was shocked. Five million people were killed as the result of Congo conflict. That is no news, however what shocks me is the lack of world attention. Five million innocent people are dead; it is only one million less than Holocaust. Yet, it has been mostly ignored by the Media. It has also been ignored by our beloved U.N. and Human Rights Watch. They have made several reports regarding this conflict, yet you do not see any serious action against it. However, if Israel tries to defend its cities from Missiles flying from terrorist land of Gaza strip, U.N. and so called “Human Rights” groups spring into action and write report after report condemning her for only defending herself. What is even more messed up is you do not see any major movements in Universities to bring attention to this conflict, you do not see special days dedicated to this conflict, you do not see mock walls or coffins with flags on them, you do not see mock dead children, you do not see people dressing up as soldiers mocking a massacre by pouring catch up on each other, and you do not see guest speakers covering this subject. Oh well, thanks to Muslim Anti-Semitism and millions of dollars spent for Propaganda against Israel in universities, conflicts like Congo’s conflict will be ignored and played down just to portray Israel as the most evil country. How come we don’t see groups named “International Solidarity Movement with people of Congo” or “Student for Justice in Congo”? We simply will not see them because the killers are simply not Jews. The rest is up to the reader to make the proper conclusion.
It is truly sad. However, today is a good day for this region. After many years of conflict, this deadly event finally came to its end. Let’s just hope this peace agreement hold and Congo starts moving toward a better future. Click here for the link to the story.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
A Good Video
I have not written anything for a while. Frankly, there is some hope for peace in Israel, yet I do not know the exact details of what is going on behind closed doors. That is why I have refrained from writing about it. Another reason I have not written anything is that it is election year and it means it is time to turn off the TV and stay away from News. None of the candidate looks promising. Most likely I won’t write anything about election until I know for sure what is going on. However, I found this video and I thought it was a great thing to post. I would love to know how you feel about it too.
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