In one of his recent speeches, Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi said, “Islam is not a tool for Iran, rather Iran is a tool for Islam.” If this statement does not shock the so called Iranian Scholars, I have no idea what does.
I don’t know if it is coincidence or whether it was on purpose but this statement was made in a close time to that shameful agreement between Russia and Iran that Iran signed away its Iran’s right to Caspian Sea. That embarrassing treaty is a lot like Ghajars’ treaties with Russians who signed away many Iranian cities. Yet, the Iranian Leftist whack jobs are completely silenced on this matter. Their country is being signed away and they are still concerned with Israel and how Israel is going to fart, so they would smell it and criticize her. They are focused more on how Palestinians are suffering when their own country is being sold away and their own people are being oppressed by the real oppressors of the region. They are writing posts about it, reading books about it, and they will support any idiot including Holocaust denying Ahmadinejad to justify this nuclear program. They still put forth the same old argument that it is U.S.’s fault that there is no democracy in Iran today. Caspian Sea with its unknown natural resources including Oil and Gases were signed away to Russians and they are still holding on to their idea that Iran should not be criticized at this hour because they are being threatened by West. The question is very simple: who is Iran’s friend and who is Iran’s enemy?
This statement is very descriptive of what is happening to Iran. Iran for these rulers is nothing but a tool to use to magnify and export their fascist fundamentalists Islamic Revolution. Signing away Caspian Sea is nothing for these rulers, they would even sign away ½ of Iran if they have to acquire the Islamic Shiite Nuclear Bomb, so they could blackmail the free world with their ideology.
A lot of terrorist apologists argue that Islam is only the religion of people and therefore its influence in government is coming from its citizens. Islam is what is best for Iran and that is why the current Islamic Government is derived from mass population working for the best interest of Iran. They would argue that Western value will not benefit Iran and therefore U.S influence should not be welcomed. This retarded method of thinking is analogous to Marxist and Leftists idiocy that infected the intellectual world in 20th century and it was proven wrong. Now we have another idiot called Chavez trying to bring it back.
Iran has very dark days ahead of it her. I really have no idea what the remedy for Iran is, neither am I claiming to be holding the answer. It is painful to see this great country to fall apart or being attacked. The only solution I believe should be internal uprising to get rid of this government, and even that is completely impossible because Iranians are more divided than ever. The Iranian scholars outside of Iran are more concerned about Israel than their own country. They are even siding with Ahmadinejad just to stick it to the Westerners and try justifying his stupid positions. Iran needs a leader and unfortunately there is none in its political arena. For now, Iran is nothing but as tool for Islam and its people is completely ok with that. Therefore, as a Jew, who am I to say anything about it.
I am completely exhausted right now so its very possible that I simply did not grasp what it was that you were saying. With that being said, I would encourage you to look into Ali Sina and Amil Imani's writings at faithfreedom.org. Both are Persian (muslim) apostates and they would suggest that Iran is undergoing a cultural revolution in which more and more people particularly the younger ones are growing more and more disgusted with Islam. Sina posted a link about how 500,000 Persian muslims have left Islam for Christianity. That spells big trouble for a regime that relies on religion for its legitimacy.
Its very easy to look at a country like Pakistan in which around 50% or perhaps more supports Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden to be blunt and then assume that other parts of the muslim world are like that as well. Granted, the overal big picture whether you look at Turkey, Iran, Indonesia or wherever is VERY ugly indeed but it is important to recognize that it does differ.
might be 100% wrong on this BUT if Iran has Kurds- Kurds are DYING (LITERALLY!!) to leave Islam. All they need is the freedom to do so and we can anticipate that they will begin leaving Islam. After all, the religion of peace was forced on them at the sword over 1300 years ago (my citation which I cant find is a Kurdish muslim named Mohammad who said this unprompted)
yes, there is a huge movement toward leaving Islam, but Islam is rooted deep in their beliefs. When it comes down to it, to choose between a foreign christian army and local muslim thugs, they will choose muslim ones. It is not only them, it is a human nature and you could see it through otu history. I don't believe Iran's movement toward secularism is anything significant yet. it will take at least 10 years with the same momentum in order for this movement to be significant. The reason is because there are still a lot towns and villages that are extremely religious and the regime in Iran is relying on it.
Sepideh R.
i just felt a sharp pain in my heart. this sucks. my country and its resources are being given away... of course russia would defend these criminals... i dont know, maybe a U.S. attack is the best solution...
Dan, the "religion of peace" wasn't only forced upon the kurds, it was forced upon the persians too... iranian kurds like most other iranians want to rid themselves from islam and its cruel ways...they just need help
The kurds should not be helped under any circumstances, I don't care if it cost Iran's democracy, the second Kurds are helped, they will ask for their independence, meaning they will take away part of Iranian souls. Either all of Iran gets democracy or none.
Sepideh R.
um...iranian kurds are more nationalistic than me and you. they would never ever want to separate themselves from iran. they're part of iran. the crap you hear is the propaganda being spread by the kurds in iraq and turkey and their agents in iran who are paid to make it look like iranian kurds want "independence." they just want independence from islamic republic like every other iranian. I have spoken to many many regular normal iranian kurds and they all say the same thing: they're iranian and part of iran!
but i agree with you, iran has to come out of this in one piece. that's the only way.
well, personally I am not willing to risk it. Their struggle has called for independent Kurdistan and to me that is a red flag. We really don't know what the groups are up to until they get power and I am not willing to give it to them just to see Iran turned into pieces. Iran is fragile, the second Kurds get their share, so does the turks, baloochs, and many ethnic minorities in Iran.
Iran has always been a tool, but it is not the reason why Islam was a success. Islam was offering social status that was pretty revolutionary at the time even for Iran. Therefore acquired a lot of power within regular people and they knew how to mobilize under a belief. Long story short, yes Iran has been used, but this usage is not reason why Islam turned to be so successful
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