
Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Even though I have a huge midterm tomorrow, I still had to write about it. Ok, the truce was violated by Palestinian. It took them five days before not carrying an act of violence toward Jews would get on their nerves and try something. They are addicted. However, it was not Hamas who carried out the operation. It was Islamic Jihad. For those who are not familiar with terrorist group of Islamic Jihad, they are directly funded and supported by Iran. Islamic Jihad is basically Iran’s bitch in Gaza and Iranian terrorist officials are directly involved in daily operation of this barbaric group. So, as it is apparent, the whole idea of being Pro-Palestinian and their support for Palestinian cause is nothing but a self-serving operation. Any truce between Palestinians and Israelis would be damaging for Iran especially at this point (it is tied to the whole nuclear program and buying sympathy and keeping Israel as enemy that I am not going to go into at this point.) Iranian officials love to see this conflict going and they basically benefit from Palestinians dying. They couldn’t wait five until they destroy this shaky truce. This is for those terrorist apologists who claim people who hate Iranian government are doing it simply because they support Palestinian cause and this government is standing up for Palestinian. These terrorist apologists do not dare to even dare to criticize Iranian regime simply because their hatred of Israel is bigger than their love for their own countries. They would not say anything because they do not want to discredit a supporter of Palestinian cause when this same government (Iran) has and still is slaughtering their own brothers and sisters in Universities. Isn’t it amazing now? Iranian government loves to see Palestinians dying in the streets of Gaza; they love to see Israeli tanks rolling into Gaza strip and while searching for terrorists, harm Palestinian civilians unintentionally. They train these terrorists to hide behind these Palestinians to maximize civilian death when Israelis fire back just to enrage simple minded Arab world and buy more support for their corrupt, barbaric, and decaying Islamic ideology that Khomeini introduced to the civilized world in 1979. I have said it many times before and I say it now: Palestinian cause is nothing but a fraudulent cause funded, supported, and backed by government who are only looking for ways to push forth their own interests and keeping themselves in power. The best example is Iran: they are trying to keep this conflict going because they need this conflict to continue to buy sympathy for this terrorist cause in their own public eye, and justify their hatred toward Israel and keep Israel as an enemy. If Israel is kept as an enemy in the region, it makes it easier for them to clamp down on their citizens; all they have to do is label any protestor as a Zionists and coerce a fake confession out of them and execute them. No one will ask anything!
Another part about this violation is: situations like today seems a lot similar to 90s. It is similar to when Israel was being bombed and Israel failed to do anything simply because it was someone else who violated the peace agreements. Israeli government would ask the Palestinian what happened and they would condemn the act and they would add that it was not us who did it. Yet Palestinians did not lift a finger to stop those groups. Remember the bus bombings and how Israel did not do much to punish the actors in 90s because we were going through that fake peace process? One of the victims was also a relative of mine. Israeli government will claim that if we do anything, terrorist would be the winner of that because they want this truce to be destroyed and guess what is going to happen: terrorists are going to get away with just firing anything into Israel. Israel should respond and they should respond quickly and very harshly to prove to Hamas that they are not joking when they say no act of violence from Gaza. If they want another truce, they should go after Islamic Jihad, make them quiet first and then come to the table to renegotiate another truce. We should not repeat what happened in the 90s when Israel proved to be powerless in the peace process. We cannot allow this truce to tie our hands and take away our ability to defend ourselves.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Olmert’s Pathetic Attempt to Stay in Power

The worst prime minister of Israel, Ehud Olmert is at it again. As if he got anything to show for his work in the office, he is now proceeding to make peace. Nobody would argue against peace, we all want it, but at what price? Is it the real peace? Is Israel going to be secured after signing these peace agreements? Oh well, lets look into the level corruption that we’re dealing with here.
Olmert is in hot water for his corruption scandals. He is gone and he knows it; however he is trying to stay in power by any means necessary. With assistance of another 2nd worst Israeli Prime Minister, Ehud Barak, these two are trying to make “painful concession” just to divert Israeli attention from Olmert’s corruption scandals by false promise of peace and jump starting serious of peace negotiation. Let’s start with the most obvious one: GAZA TRUCE.
This is the most ridiculous truce ever created under the sun. (click here for the link). They are giving the terrorists breathing time to rearm and improve their missiles, so they would be able to hit even farther cities inside Israel. Israel keeps threatening that if this fails, we’re going to attack Gaza. Well genius: why are you letting them know about when you are attacking them? You know you have to go in there either today or a month from now, why don’t you do it now? Why are you giving them a month, without any violence, they can freely set up their booby traps and send in our boys to their death? With the truce in effect, who is going to stop these guys? Sometimes I feel like a monkey could run Israel better than these two morons: Olmert and Barak.
If Israel would have attacked Gaza first and pulled out and then committed to the truce, then that would have been more reasonable. But come one, you are giving the enemy the time to prepare for your attack? ARE YOU SERIOUSLY THAT STUPID? HONESTLY?!
Now let’s talk about Lebanon and Sheba farms. That is even more shameful. Israel is under pressure to give up Sheba farms for peace. (Click here for the link). Funny part is Hezbollah has already said that they have wider plan for the region and it won’t stop by Sheba farms. So much for protectors and defender of Lebanon! Now it is obvious that Iran is a terrorist supporting country and their arm in the region is Hezbollah and they have bigger plans for the region which is an Islamic Shiite Government. However this is an amazing answer to those terrorist apologists who sees Hezbollah as only a defender and nothing more. They try to justify the existence of Hezbollah on Sheba farms. However, why is Israel even arguing about it? Come on how low could Israel hit these days? Israel should not have even offered it. Israel has won its wars, let them ask for it. Why are you offering it before getting your answer? Do they know the simple rules of negotiation?
Then talks with Syria: this is another pathetic attempt by Olmert trying to save himself and he is doing it again through false promise of peace. Syria has already said they won’t stop supporting Hamas and Hezbollah even if they do sign a peace agreement with Israel. THEN WHAT THE HELL IS THE POINT OF SIGNING A PEACE WHEN THEY ARE SUPPORTING YOUR ENEMY OLMERT? I really hope Israel doesn’t fall for this crap, but again masses sometimes make crazy decisions due to misleading media reports. Overall, I feel like a monkey could run Israel better than Olmert and Barak.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

A Trip Down the Memory Lane

When I was about seven or eight years old, my dad brought this package late at night. I was supposed to be in bed by 8 pm, but he told me I could stay up. He made sure I never talk about what he was about to show me and never tell anybody about it. Then he pressed the Play bottom on the VHS and the movie started. It was Operation Thunderbolt Movie. For those who do not know about it, back in 1976 Palestinian Terrorists high jacked an Air France plane on its rout to Israel and kidnapped its Israeli Passengers. Israeli Commando from Sayeret Unit of Matkhal conducted a daring rescue operation all the way in the heart of Africa in Uganda. They rescued all the hostages with exception of three who died in the gun battle that erupted, killed all the terrorists, destroyed half of Uganda’s Air force, and they safely returned to Israel. It was an operation that shocked the world. The movie has a lot of great points and scene regarding U.N.’s role in the situation that stood by mutely when Jewish Hostages were taken and how the world totally ignored the problem. It was the Israeli Commandos who walked up to the plate and got the job done. In this mission, Yoni Netanyahu was the only IDF casualty. He was also the designer and commander of this magnificent rescue mission. There is so much to write about that mission, but I just don’t have the time to do it at this point.
This movie had a huge effect on me. There was something about this movie that made me really proud to be a Jew in a country that I had to chant “death to Israel” every day. There were two scenes that I never forgot and stuck by me, they were the first scene when soldiers were in the plane singing Hine Matov song before they reach their destination. The second scene is when the plane has landed and the hostages are let out of the plane. The song brought me to tears at that age and I always remember the feeling I had at such young age. Amazingly I found the two scenes on YouTube and I have decided to share them with you guys. Enjoy:

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Givati in Gaza Strip

This is a great clip from a Sayeret in Givati Brigade. They are part of an elite special unit that is assigned to Gaza strip. I was just comparing it with Hamas propaganda clips. I realized how civilized these guys are compare to Hamas fighters in their propaganda videos. You would never see a Hamas video without some hateful ranting and anti-Jewish slogans involved in it. These guys are just being quiet and humble without any sort of violent chants or hateful comments. I am proud of these guys