Ok, the Holocaust denying monkey is visiting the U.S. It is horrible, it is disgusting, but we are a free nation and we should tolerate his stupidity. What saddens me is what has happened to Iran. What happened to them? The country with one of the greatest culture that this universe has ever seen is now reduced to nothing but this terrorist representing them. Iranian respect has been destroyed and all because of this stupid man. I do not think that Iranian’s image in world stage was ever this low. The funny part is that this moron is speaking about world peace and act as if he is a great scholar. This doctor, who got his doctoral degree by massacring thousands of people, is incredibly uneducated. When he speaks in Farsi, it is apparent that he has had no education even Farsi, let alone other subjects. Now he has brought his filth to this country with an image of representing Iranian people. Well, Doctor Ahmadinejad, you are not representing Persians/Iranians. You are only representing Basijis and Pasdars and IRI dependences that chose you as president.
As for Columbia allowing this moron to give a speech, I am sure all the oil money that you got did not have any affect on your decision. I don’t think Columbia agree to have this monkey without any sort of monetary assistance from IRI. But again, who doesn’t want to see a monkey give a speech? Well, it takes a monkey to respect another monkey.
The clip below is something that Columbia officials should view. The clip is Iranian students and how disgusted they are about the fact that this monkey is visiting their university. Now, Columbia is treating this monkey like a scholar. Do the comparison yourself and you will see why our academia are nothing but terrorist loving idiots that if it were up to them, we would be surrendering our sovereignty to terrorists.
Update: “There are no Gays in Iran!” Iran is the only country under the sun that G-d has blessed it with the absence of Gays! Oh my g-d, who is he fooling? Doesn’t he know we’re not Iranian population that he could simply lie to? This is just like his claim that “we are not building a bomb!” or “we are not looking for a conflict with Israel!” Ahmadinejad: you are a shame to humanity.
Thank you for your honesty. He is not Iranian but this is the type of person who will miraculously get the bomb if Iran acquire nuclear energy.

Thank you LGF
what you need to do first is get YOURSELF an EDUCATION
whats so hard to believe about how there are no gays in iran
well, I am not trying to educated or give speech at Columbia or claim that Holocaust never happened. That is the difference.
probably .. he looks like he receives
Ben, stop calling this douche a doctor. just because he calls himself that, doesn't mean it's true. he can barely speak a correctly structured sentence, let alone having a degree in anything... perhaps only in manipulation. he's an uneducated thug.
Sepideh khanoom:
I swear he is a doctor. He got a doctoral degree! some of these terrorist apologists told me one and I went and checked it and he does have a doctoral degree. But you are right, he speaks farsi like a thug!
he still got a doctoral degree! He is considered a doctor. I never thought a monkey would be considered a monkey. It is crazy!
hahaha this shit is funny. i didnt know he has a doctoral degree. hes a doctor of watt? sayin chertopert? seriously he doesnt even know how to speak proper farsi, & he is soo stupid & sucha lier there are no gays in iran, yahh right!!!!! he needs to go in the streets more often. he is just denying itt. he really made a fool out of himself though. funny shit
there are gays in Iran but their number are dwindling due to the rate of executions of gays.
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