
Friday, December 30, 2011

2011 In Review--HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

Today is December 30th and 2011 is coming to an end. I could not come with anything to write about to sum up the year 2011. The reason is 2011 was such an eventful year that I would not know where to begin. So, I decided to basically review the year with some political humor and political cartoons. So Enjoy! Happy New Year to everyone 

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Iran is Itching to be Attacked

Iran is playing with the fire. I wrote it in the previous post about how Iran is desperate to restore its image. Now, they are going a step further. I think they are actually trying to stir up some sort of conflict in order to buy the support for the regime just like the way they did the same thing during Eight Years with Iraq that was over two years into the wear. However, they chose to continue the war in order to use that as an excuse to murder and wipe out the opposition groups and establish full control over the nation. It worked beautifully. Their excuse: We got Attacked! It was the Iranians and Khomeini’s terrorists who tried to mingle in Iraqi’s internal politics by trying to support a Shia Uprising against Saddam. They called it “exporting our Islamic Revolution” and it is well-documented in Montazeri’s Memoires. Saddam took advantage of the opportunity and attacked Iran.

Iran has been threatening the region by closing down the Strait of Hormuz and now they are tracking and filming American Aircraft Carriers. If that is not enough, they publicize such an act which is nothing but act of desperation or stupidity. A well capable military would never ever need to televise its intelligence reports or capabilities on the state televisions. The situation is getting worse by the hour and Iran is escalading the situation by their stupid comments or acts in order to provoke the Americans. ( However, there are more to these acts and I think it is absolutely brilliant.

It seems to me that the Iranian Regime is basically trying to pull the same stunt. I think they are trying to somehow agitate Americans or the Israelis to attack them. They are full-well aware of the fact that US will not conduct full-scale war and take over the country given Afghanistan and Iraq situation. Therefore, any military strike would be a simple tactical military strike in order to destroy Iran’s military installations and Nuclear Facilities. Ultimately, the regime will stay in power and they could use the same excuse that they got attacked. It is a total win-win situation for them.

Given this day and age and the technology, I hardly believe they could simply buy Iranian support if Iran gets attacked. With the progress of social media and its usage in Iran, I don’t think Iranians would be fooled into supporting this deadly regime. I believe they are going to use this attack as an excuse to launch full scale war against the opposition and completely wipe them out. I mean mass graves and mass executions would be underway for anybody who dare to question a simple thing about this regime.

In conclusion, Iran is itching for an attack. That’s why they are doing stupid things like this to agitate the world powers. They know that the globe is thirsty for oil and no matter what happens, their product is in high demands. Russia and China will be more than glad to get that oil. However, they need to stay in power and I believe a military strike against Iran will ensure its survival if it is a tactical strike. The questions is whether survival of this regime is worth allowing this regime to become nuclear, and the answer is a clear no, because if they do grab the bomb, then there is no stopping this regime. Therefore, I am sorry Iranians, I believe you guys are doomed!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

This Man is Innocent

This man is an innocent man. For those who don’t know this guy, Iranian Terrorist Regime accuses this man of spying. According to the reports, he has entered Iran three months ago. He wanted to visit his sick grandmother and that was it. The Iranian Regime picked him two weeks after he had entered Iran. According to Telegraph, Iranian Prosecutor who is more like Iranian death squad has asked the Iranian sorry excuse for judicial system for Death Penalty against this poor innocent man. The question is why? Why would Iran accuse this man of espionage if he is really an innocent man? The next question how could Iran make such a claim? The answers to both of these questions are incredibly simple if you have ever resided in Iran. If you have not and/or do not know anything about this, then it might puzzle you.
Why would Iranian Barbaric regime accuse this innocent man of espionage? What is the point? What do they get out of it? The answer is incredibly simple. Look at my previous post titled “Bad Times for Iran”. Iran is going through some tough times. Iranian regime has been taking some serious blows in the world of Intelligence warfare. For a very long time, the Western Powers including U.S. and Israel monitored Iranian Government and their terrorist intelligent services. However, they never openly and directly engaged them. These Western Intelligence Units never directly engaged Iran and its units within Iran. The reason is quite simple due to 1950s CIA failures that literally destroyed a working democracy that planted the seed for Islamic Revolution of 1979 and Iranian hatred for America. However, things have changed significantly. The US is trying to prevent Israel from engaging Iran militarily. Now they have started Cold War style warfare against Iran that includes covert activity to sabotage Iranian Nuclear Ambition.
Recently, Iran has been taking many hits. The mysterious explosions has been incredibly damaging to the rulers of Iran. It has severely damaged Iranian capabilities when it comes to intelligence warfare. It has undermined Iranian Regime’s ability to control its sensitive sites and their ability to protect them. Therefore, Iran is in desperate needs to restore its power that has been undermined by these bombings and activities. Iran’s regime was under impression that they are in full control. They thought that they could simply deter any country to directly engage them militarily by holding the whole world hostage and its missiles could defend Iran. They had under-estimated American intelligence power. They wanted to play with the big boys when it comes to intelligence and now that they are playing, they have realized that they are pretty week. They are using this innocent man to restore such belief in Iranian Regime’s powers.
There is absolutely no proof that this innocent man is a spy or he was involved in espionage. There is not a single shred of proof, paper work, conversation, or anything like that to prove that this man tried to enter Iranian Intelligence. Their whole case is based on TV Confessions. Given Iranian report card, nobody would believe this government’s contention that this innocent man is a spy. The man entered Iran and he was picked up by Iranian Terrorists two weeks after his arrival. There is no way in hell anybody would believe such claim that he is a spy. However, why would Iran use this man for such a foolish claim? The answer to this question leads us to the next question which is “How would Iranian Regime benefit from such a stupid claim?”
As it was stated above, Iranian regime had underestimated the Western Intelligence and its power. They had forgotten that US had experiences of Cold War. They had also failed to monitor’s Israel’s experience in covert operations and her intelligence war against Terrorism. On the other hand, Iran had created this vision of this “Ruthlessness” among its citizens that they are capable destroying any movement against Iranian Regime. It was to deter the internal forces who are trying to basically change this regime. They had created this image that Iran’s Intelligence is capable of fighting anybody anywhere in order to preserve this regime and this regime is too powerful to be changed or destroyed. The image has been simply shattered in the past couple of months.
In Iran, there is a lot of noise about fog of war. Iranians and its citizens are worried about the war that is coming. Although the regime is desperately trying to claim that they are still in full control, the recent bombings and assassinations are showing more than ever that this government is losing its power grip. Another indication of such worries is Iranian Currency and how it has significantly lost its value against dollars. For years, Iranian Currency was sort of stable against Dollar. Now it is losing its value which indicates the level of worries among masses in Iran. These developments are destroying the deterrence and powerful image that this government has been trying to create in order to preserve its survival. This would give energy to the opposition and internal forces against this regime by saying, “Look, maybe this government is not as powerful as they had claimed to be”. So now the government is in desperate need to amend such image and restore it.
The way that this government is going to restore that power image is by using this innocent guy. Nobody believes these TV confessions. Iranian government also knows that nobody believes these confessions. However, the Iranian government is simply trying to show off its ruthlessness by saying that regardless of what happens, we are still in power and we could kill anybody and everybody. They are basically trying to score a point by terrorizing the masses in Iran by saying that look we could easily suppress any movements and there is nothing anybody could do about it. This is more like public hanging except with much broader audience. They are trying to deter anybody from rising up in Iran against this regime.
Another way that this regime is using this innocent man is by falsely providing false hope. They have denied a lot of reports about the explosions. The reason is because that these explosions having too embarrassing for the regime and the reason has been stated above which is that it shows that this ruthless regime is weak. Now they are trying to fool the citizens by claiming that they are actually keeping up with the fight. Another example of such desperation was downing of the American Drone. Iranian Regime put it on state television and showed it off to the public. Why would they need to do that? The answer is very simple: they are very desperate and it is to restore the faith in the regime. Countries do not just televise victories unless they need to use it for their own benefits. Iran needed to televise that drone and it only proved Iranian desperation for some sort of victory.
In the end, the saddest part is that this innocent man is the victim of this regime trying to restore its powerful image. His trial is nothing but a joke and it is an insult to the judicial proceedings. Iran is desperate and it is trying to maximize its survival by any means necessary. This is truly a sickening crime against Humanity and the world is absolutely silence about it.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Occupy L.A Cost the City Millions of Dollars

Ok, so let me get this straight, these bastards and freeloaders don’t have jobs and they don’t want to work, and now I have to also pay for their pure stupidity too?! As if the hard-working people are not paying their “fare-share” which is more than we all should, now they are also costing us additional money?!

The two-month encampment cost the city at least $2.35 million, not counting repairs to the lawn and fountain outside City Hall, according to a report issued Friday. Much of that cost -- more than $1.7 million -- will be added to the growing pool of red ink in this year's city budget. The Occupy bills will increase an anticipated $72-million shortfall over the next six months, City Administrative Officer Miguel Santana said.
Los Angeles Times

Seriously, I am sick of these whack-jobs Occupiers. I lived in Berkeley who had Occupiers EVERYDAY in People’s Park. You know what we called them?! We called them “BUMS” and/or “HOBOS”. Seriously, these Leftist Former Bastard of Children of Communism who are too lazy and/or stupid to get a job should stop blaming others and start looking for a job. You want to make your voice heard, stop destroying property and acting like Lunatics and start voting. If that’s not working, then stop voting all the way to the Left of the political spectrum. California went down the tube long looong time ago with Leftist agenda that were implemented in this state. Every single big business and corporation left this state because they could not take it anymore. Big and Small businesses are suffering everyday as a result of this state’s hostile attitude toward them. The Unions are the one who are assisting this state.
The Occupiers should seriously go back because with exception of Media and bunch of Leftist Wackiests who love this kind of movements, the American public quickly grew tired of them. They were super rude, disruptive and ignorant of other people. Not to mention they were incredibly dirty and they fell into every single stereo type they could possibly have when it comes to protesters. They were also instances of blatant Anti-Semitism. There were reports of Rape and sexual assaults in their camps. Media hated Tea Party Movement, but they were never like this. This is amazing. Tea Party Movement and their protests were never like this and yet the Media destroyed them. Yet, these Occupiers are being cheered like bunch of heroes when they are actually costing us a lot of money.
Either way, it really pissed me off when I saw that news article about additional cost to the city. The reason I am saying is that I live in this town. This town is broke already and there are many things wrong here. This town has already destroyed business through high taxes and parking tickets and anything and everything that could milk people. Why should we pay for these idiots?! Why did the city drop charges against these guys?! Why?! Now they are going back to their lives while we are stuck with the bill?! Seriously where is the justice in that?! Did Tea Party ever do anything like this?
I really hope Americans could come to their senses. It seems like as times are getting worse, sanity is also losing its grip and it is being replaced by Leftist Wacky Agenda that has produced nothing exception, death, starvation, mass murderers, and other global crisis every time it has been implemented.

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

The Rat Came out of his Hole!

The “Rat” came out of his hole and spoke about “Armed Struggle” against Israel. This rat is "Nasrallah". Every time he speaks, I laugh. I should not do that because he has a lot of crazy followers and of course thanks to billions of dollars of stolen money from Iranian national treasury who are in dire need themselves, they have a huge and powerful arsenal of weaponry too. However, what makes me laugh harder is what a hypocrite this guy is when it comes to freedom and struggle and bumper-sticker slogans.
Hezbollah and Nasrallah were stiff supporters of the Arab Spring. However, when it comes to one of the deadliest regimes in the region, they are in support of dialogue and reform. This rat has been hiding for the past years in a hole scared of losing his life. Yet, he invites his followers not to be scared of Israel and becoming Shahid in the armed struggle against Israel. The hypocrisy is amazing. So, it is ok for others to die during armed struggle with Israel, however it is not ok for Mr. Nasrallah to die in the same process? Is your life worth more than your fellow Muslim Mr. Nasrallah? How is it that a typical Muslim person does not ask the same question is beyond me. However, to add more salt to the wound, now you are taking the side of tyrannical regime in Syria?
The day that we have questions like that coming from Arab masses is the day that I would firmly believe that "Arab Spring" will have positive end results for the Arab community. Other than that, gear up for some disaster for the future to come because one tyranny will be replaced by another one through these regime changes.