Warning:This site may contain adult language, psychological nudity, and enlightening materials that might cause sudden discomfort and shock to fascists, racists, anti-Semites, Communists, Nazis, pro-Palestinians, Islamo Fascists, liberals, victorcrats, Islamic Terrorists, and terrorist apologists or sympethizers.
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Can You Tell the Difference
This picture pretty much describes and explains the difference between the pro-Israeli protest versus Pro-Palestinian (a.k.a. Pro-terrorism) protests. One is a barbaric movement that belongs to Seventh Century and the other one is a modern day movement for democracy and prosperity. One is blood thirsty movement based up genocidal intentions, the other one just want to live in peace. One is terrorist-apologist and the other one combat terrorism. Can you tell the difference between the two types of support?
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