Warning:This site may contain adult language, psychological nudity, and enlightening materials that might cause sudden discomfort and shock to fascists, racists, anti-Semites, Communists, Nazis, pro-Palestinians, Islamo Fascists, liberals, victorcrats, Islamic Terrorists, and terrorist apologists or sympethizers.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Iranian's Government vs Iranian Youth!
I am done with Law School finals. I can’t express how relieved I am. Anyways, recently I have found a new hobby. I have found all these Iranian Bloggers from Iran who live inside Iran. They are all student Bloggers. These guys are extremely articulate and well educated. These are the same group of students that Islamic Republic has been trying to repress almost tn years now. These guys are very open minded and at the same well aware of what is going on around the world. Maybe our students and college professors should learn from these guys about what it means to be educated. They are very moderate in their views and they analyze anything and everything before making decision. At the same time, they are very experienced in terms of knowledge, meaning that they have experienced what it means to jailed, to be shut down, or to be repressed. Now compare that to our professors or students in this country who only talk out of their behind without any experience of what is going on. I wish there was a way to translate their articles for my English speaking readers.
I recently read this article in Jomhour which is my favorite blog. I decided to steal his article and translate it to English for my English readers, so they would have an idea what is happening in Iran. Recently, the government of Iran is trying to fight corruption and inappropriate acts in public. It may sound very appealing to Americans and anybody who doesn’t know anything about what is going on in Iran. We may think what is wrong with fighting corruption?! The answer is, by inappropriate act, they are clamping down on women who do not cover their hairs completely, or they wear Hijabs that are too tight, or for example when boys and girls mingle at a coffee shop. To our definition, it is safe to conclude that they are clamping down on freedom of expression and invading their personal freedom. Iranian citizens from all around this country and especially from Tehran are very critical of this new plan. On the state television channel two, the commander of Iranian police force of Tehran gave a speech defending this new plan. His speech boiled my blood!
He alleges that these girls that they are clamping down on are nothing but whores. According to this moron, any girl who tries not to listen or follow his chauvinistic sexists Islamic laws are whore. Then he goes further by trying analyzing what these whores up to in Iranian society. Now keep in mind, in Tehran 60-80% of young females between the ages 30 and 15 dress in such a way that he is calling as “whores.” He just called 60% of Iranian young girls, bunch of whores. He alleges that these whores would persuade men to go to their place and then blackmail these guys for gifts or money. For the love G-d, anybody who know anything about Iranian men would know that these men don’t need persuasions. If anything, these men would chase after these poor girls! After giving his analysis of how and why these so called whores act this way, he cannot just present argument without not mention foreign forces. Therefore, he proceeds by saying that a lot of these “whore” are agents of foreign countries and of course lets not forget Zionists! For the love of G-d, this moron is the commander of all of Tehran Police, he could he claim such thing with a straight face? And then he concludes his speech by saying that this new action is with support of majority of Iranian population. He claims, and this is my favorite part, 80% of Iranians are supporting such new clamping down on youngsters. If anything, from all the protests and articles and blog articles from Iran, I would say 80% of Iranians are against such actions. This moron has the balls and freedom to go on Channel 2 and lie like that to their own citizens.
This sort of actions is nothing new for Iranian government. However, in today global world, they are implementing the same action toward the world community with regards to their nuclear ambitions. A lot of people in Universities and Academics believe this government when they allege that they only want nuclear power. They honestly think that the world is going to fall for these lies, but in some respect they are right. Unfortunately, the Left has fall for such claims along with a lot of academics. However, as it is apparent, Europe is not buying the claims anymore and it is only going to get uglier. I am just wondering, why do Iranian citizens tolerate such deceiving government that has absolutely no benefit for them or Iran? The good part is that we have Iranian students who are standing up to this government. But why does the regular citizens tolerate such government?
Monday, April 23, 2007
This song is truly a beautiful song. For those who don’t know the story behind this song, Israel was about to be attacked in 1967 and Israeli community was unaware of what was going to happen. This song used to be just a poem and this singer played it on a guitar just to calm people down. However, the irony was that Israeli parachuters (Tzankhanim) infiltrated eastern Jerusalem on that day. When they arrive to the old city, the religious authority told them not to use heavy artillery or weaponry because this part of the town is super holy. Therefore, parachupers entered the city with light weaponry and in a lot of occasions it was a hand to hand combat. Jordanians were sitting on the roof tops and just hunted this poor soldiers like sitting ducks. Israel suffered the worst casualties in order to capture this part of Jerusalem, but after almost 2000, for the first time in history it took control of the Western Wall. By the way, the Western Wall had been turned into a garbage disposal by the Muslim authority. However, the Western Wall was liberated and this song was dedicated to all the soldiers who died in that day. My father tells me that this song was played the whole day in all of Israeli Media and when he heard the song, even though he was only a teenager, he cried in the city of Esfahan. Every time I hear this song, I automatically have tears in my eyes.
Happy Independence day to all my Jewish brothers.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Fallen Israeli Soldiers Rememberance Day
Today is a very important day to me. I was not sure whether I wanted to congratulate anybody or give any sense of well wishing or even mention Passover or Norouz (Persian New Years). I do not know why I did not feel like writing anything about those events that are big part of my background. However, when it came to today, I just had to write something. Today is a day of remembering fallen Israeli soldiers. Every year, it is a special day, but this year there is something different about it. This year, it is after Lebanon 2nd War of last summer. Therefore I decided to dedicate this article to the fallen soldiers of last summer’s war. (Don’t get me wrong, I still have outmost respect for all the fallen soldiers.)
The movie clip above is the faces of the soldiers who died in Lebanon last summer. They are just faces of regular Israeli citizens who were called to combat. They are just average workers, students, husbands, fathers, and …. There is something innocent about them as oppose to the faces for example suicide bombers who make tapes before they kill themselves. When I sent this clip to my mom, she burst out crying and she does not even know these guys. The only explanation is that we’re all Jews and we all share the pain together with the families of these soldiers. May they rest in peace!
Friday, April 20, 2007
My Favorit Clip
It is been a while since I have posted a video. I didn't want to post anything depressing especially with what's going on in Virginia Tech and also my finals and a lot of other stuff. So, I decided to post my favorit clip. It is a nice and motivating song.
This is an amazing clip because these are extremely powerful generals, yet they look very simple and very down to earth. Look at how simple their lives are compare to Arab countries' generals. At the same time, I don't understand why the commander of my Brigade is a women? One of these guys is a total nerd.
For those who don't know what this song is about, it's about Moshe Yalon. He is (was) chief of staff of Israeli Defense Forces. He looks like a nerd too! I love this clip!
Monday, April 16, 2007
Holocaust Remembrance Day
Well, today is the Holocaust Remembrance Day. It is a day where every human being should think back and realize what went wrong. However, for Jews it has a totally different meaning. Six million of us walked to our death. There are a lot of questions that Jew might ask. What happened? Why did it happen? How did it happen? How come on one did anything to save the Jews? My answer: IT’S OUR OWN FAULT.
Jews were the most passive group who were blinded by civilized society of Europe. They thought the Europeans were going to protect them. They were under impression that knowledge and education were the only tools for survival. They are necessary tools to have as a matter of being a better person and higher quality of life, but it won’t save your life. These Jews were simply too passive and not aggressive. They all fucking walked to their death in an orderly fashion! Even Nazis were surprised of how orderly these people were walking to their death. There was not a major uprising. I mean come on, six million simply don’t vanish. You are about to die, grab a gun, fight, don’t just simply walk and hope you’ll live another 2 minutes. There was only one major uprising in Ghetto of Varsho and it brought German Armies down to its knees. These guys forced German Army to use its Air Force and Tanks to clear this Ghetto. Just imagine what would have happened if at least 20% of the Jews would have resisted. If 20% is too much, just imagine if 5% of them had resisted. But they didn’t, they relied on the world to protect them. AND THEY DIED.
IDF does not like the idea of Holocaust. There is this major confrontation between IDF and Holocaust survivors. Don’t get me wrong, IDF does respect Holocaust survivors and everything, but they argue that Jews should have fought. That’s why IDF has this mentality of “Never Again!” I agree with IDF on this issue. However, every time a European Jew would hear such thing, they get mad. Maybe it is because I am a Sephardic Jew, but once you look around the world and in Israel you see the difference. Sephardic Jews are a lot more aggressive and pro-Israel and defending Israel. As oppose to European or American Jews who tend to be more passive. It is a good combination to run a country like Israel because it doesn’t allow Israel to turn into a totally war mongering country. However, the backlash is for example that 99% of the leftist wackos who call for destruction of Israel and proclaim to be Jews tend to be European.
Nazi Germany never got a chance to reach the Jews in Arab countries regions with exception to Morocco and Northern African countries. The argument that the Arabs would have defended Jews is simply Bullshit!! In Iran, Iranian Muslims had already Jewish properties thinking the Nazi Germany was coming. Iranian Shah had already made prior dealings with Hitler about Iranian Jews in that country. But again, it is an unknown area of we don’t know what would really happen.
Holocaust has a very clear message to Jews, NO BODY IS GOING TO PROTECT YOU BUT YOURSELF! No matter how much you think you are part of a nation or country or government, as history has prove over and over and over again, you are a Jew, and there is a chance you might get kicked out! No one will role up their sleeves to protect you except Jews and in today’s world it is Israel. This message is to those leftist who call for destruction of Israel and they claim to be Jews: there is no other place like Israel that is going to protect you. Just like when an Iranian is in danger, Iranian government has the obligation to protect that Iranian, as a Jew, Israel has an obligation to protect you and it has done so almost every time it tried. If you think that you could be respected or survive a day without a state of Israel, you are dreaming!!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Class Struggle v. Justice and Fairness
First of all, I would like to say Happy Passover and Eide Nourooz to all the Jews and Persians around the globe. I would have written something earlier about it but thank to law school finals, I did not get a chance to do it any earlier.
Three Duke Players were finally exonerated and all the charges were dropped against them. From the beginning, the whole story was a joke and it was obvious that the case will not hold water. Any moron, without any knowledge of law or evidence or criminal procedure would have said, these stripers were lying. However, why did the D.A went ahead with pressing charges? What I loved the most was media's reaction and they jumped to conclusion and they were all portraying these players as three rich white rapist. What happened to Justice? Due Process? Reasonableness?
There are three categories of classifying this case: 1) Black V. White-Plaintiff(s) were black & Defendant were Black 2) Poor v. Rich-You could look at it lower class v. higher class where we have a striper who is from lower class going after a upper class rich guy 3) and my favorit of all Female v. Male-Rape.
All three of these categories of struggle are very clear in our society. This is a typical reaction that is the characteristic of Leftist think tanks or former or current communists believers. The leftist media picked up on this case and unfairly destroyed these guys' image. In this case, as much as the society hates it, the justice is residing with the rich white upper class males. Justice should not be affected by the societal struggles; rather justice should only empower the element of fairness and truth. In this case, the media and society automatically made up their mind that these three rich white boys were guilty and the poor black strippers were raped. Unfortunately, the D.A. felt into the same trap.
If you look at global politics, we see the same exact scenario. The society always side with the poor or less powerful. An example of it is Israeli Palestinian conflict. It is usually the practice of the Left and former or Marxists believers who think the weak is always right. Just because Palestinians are weak, they have the right to act or do anything as they please. Another example is world's view toward U.S. Anytime, U.S. tries to defend itself or defend its interest, irregardless of the other county's ruthlessness (such as Saddam) or its treatment of its citizens, the left and the rest of world would presume this act as a negative act. In another word, Justice is being sacrificed for a concept created by Marx called "class struggle" which is rich against poor, or strong v. weak.
I do not agree with it. I believe justice should be blind to any outside theory or struggle regardless of class, race, sex, or social status!
What do you think?
Sunday, April 01, 2007
The Showdown with Iran!
I am in full final mode now. That means I am going to waste a lot of time reading news. As I am reading news, I cannot turn a blind eye to this Iranian hostage situation. It is as if we are reviewing 1979 again. Back then, the diplomats were spies, and now they are aggressor to Iranian integrity. YEAH RIGHT!! DOES ANYBODY SERIOUSLY BUY THAT CRAP?!!
British Armed Forces and their generals are showing hard and crucial evidence indicating that their boys (and girl) did not enter Iranian waters. They used these GPS satellite imaging showing the last communication and all the technology that indicated their locations to prove their point. They had this very well organized conference and they presented their case. The funny part is Iran tried to copy that. They brought this moron General with a paper map trying to prove the case. They have this paper map with drawing on them claiming that the soldiers were arrested there. Compare the two for a second: GPS satellite and last communication spot located on the map, or a paper drawing from this fool claiming they have hard evidence and yet they fail to show single evidence. On the other hand, this dumb shit Ahmadinejad gave a speech today regarding a war with Iran. He says Iran is a nation Martyrdom and Emam Mahdi (the 12th Emam that I talked about on my previous post) will protect Iran. You dumb fuck, where the fuck is this stupid Emam when Iranian daughters and virgins are being sold off overseas to Arab Sheikhs? Where the fuck is this Emam when Iranians are now starving due to high inflation rate in Iran in the past few weeks? What the fuck or why the fuck does this Emam need Nuclear Bomb or as you are claiming Nuclear Energy for? Can't this Emam who supposedly is going to shoot down B-52s, bring free energy so we really don’t have to deal with the great Satan?
IS IT ME OR IRAN HAS COMPLETELY LOST IT? SERIOUSLY? What happened to sanity? What is this government doing?
Another claim that an Iranian General made: the Zionists occupiers are planning a suicide attacks in all Arab nations trying to destroy these countries and take over them. And then he says, "it is my advice to you my Arab brothers!" First of all: Israel does not believe in suicide missions you dumb shit! It was your country who actually accepted it as a military tactic which never works. Plus you moron, when was the last time Arabs considered Persians their brothers?! When was the last time you guys were brothers?
Another funny issue is that all the Political blogs that are leftist and very pro-Palestinians and are persians have shut the fuck up on these issues. Not a word is coming out of them. I wonder why!! I thought they were the seekers of the truth and I thought the "left" had their support in seeking that truth, come on guys, I am waiting for an article from you guys trying to glorify Iran again?
On the last note: Iranian government is different than Iranian people. Unfortunately this government is destroying Iranian image around the world. Iranian populations within Iran are tired of this government and their tactics. Every voice that is coming out that country is screaming and tired of this government. It is very crucial to differentiate between the two. The picture on the right is the best example of what a true Iranian is all about. This is a student holding up a t-shirt of his friend who is a student activist for democracy in Iran and he was beaten very badly by the revolutionairy guards (Pasdarana) and para-military terrorist group of Basij. This guy was jailed for this picture. However, there are some of these morons who live in the U.S who only go to Iran on vacation and eat Kabob while they are there and claim to be the true Iranians, and they should be ignored. If they are Iranian enough as they claim to be and they love this government so much, go back to Iran and live under that rule and then claim this government is justified in their acts. BITCH!
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