This is the best news I have received in ages. I never forget that day. It was seven years ago on October 10th. Violence had just started in Israel and Palestinians had poured to the street. These two soldiers lost their way and ended up in a Palestinian town. Palestinian mob acted like animals (what a surprise!?) and lynched them. I never forget the picture and the video clips I was seeing. They first broke through the barriers and went upstairs and started beating. Then they threw them out of the building. Then they started beating them more and mutiliated them. Then they set them on fire when they were not dead yet. If that was not bad enough, they danced around their burning bodies. Israel vowed that the people responsible for it will not go unpunished. Israel followed through its promise. Last week, members of Tzayeret Tzankhanim (paratroopers) arrested the last member of that mob. Click here for the full story.
It took them seven years to capture every single one of those animals. The process of capturing these barbarians was very interesting. Every year, once in a while we would hear in the news that another one of them was either killed or arrested. My favorite one is the one where the Border Patrol special units captured one of them at his wedding. I was reading one of the terrorist apologists’ writing that Zionists soldiers capture poor Palestinian during their wedding nights. I bet they were referring to this guy who set two human beings on fire (poor Palestinians! They can’t lynch two people and get away!). Another incident was that when they captured the guy who showed his bloody hand at the window, the border patrol units made him raise his handcuffed hands to reporters. I am also very happy that the soldiers did not shoot him dead. The reason is these animals will suffer more in jail for the rest of their lives. If Israel would have killed this guy, he would have turn into a hero. In this case, he is not going to meet his virgins anytime soon, plus he is going to someone else’s virgin for many lonely nights in jail. I just hope they suffer as much as possible in jail.
Israeli lives will always be avenged and it should be done by any means necessary. It is time to teach the world that the lives of Jews do matter and you cannot just away with lynching them. Words cannot express how happy I am.
i don't think any of Israeli prime ministers would even dare to set any of those killers free!
Baruch Hashem!
so much violence and for what???.....what is there to gain with violence??? Violence will only attract more and more violence and it’s an endless spiral.
I never understood how human race can go down to that level and forget that any human life like any other kind of life (animals, plants, trees etc…) is simply SACRED.
Today the Syrians in Lebanon have burned 25 Forests of Pine trees and Cedars, because they are unable to kill us all....so they are burning our country now…...from North to South of Lebanon, the most beautiful trees we have… .....for what?....to gain what??....how do you deal with such criminals?....how to stop this spiral….and make them aware that by burning our environment they are simply burning the entire planet that is lacking of oxygen with global warming.
What makes you sure Ben? Israel has negotiated with terrorists before in these "hostage deals." What maeks you so sure that they won't do it again? Theres no argument that the news that Israel caught these terrorists is great news BUT im' concerned that they wont ever fully go to jail forever.
Dan ...that would be a political suicide, a crim as ugly as that will not go unpunished. I don't know if it is going to happen, but we still haven't released Kundar, have we? Any prime miniser who release any of those guys is killing themselves!
I hope you're right. didn't Israel do hostage releases in the past and release like 200 people or something? Samir Kuntar- yes its good hes still in prison. agreed.
The Israelis are not where they need to be politically, and neither are the Americans. That's just my take on it. There is not the will or the understanding of the enemy to fight in a way that it really takes to win. A lot more bloodshed and heartbreak will occur before this enemy is put in proper context...this is just my take. It may never happen...look at what happened to the orthodox Christians.
well, the fact of the matter is that Israel needs to step up to the plate and once and for all decide what the hell they want to do with the Palestinian. Two choices: annex westbank and get it over with or pull out and let them run their own lives. Frankly, I am all for pulling out and let them do their own shit. I know I know, they are not going to go away, but do we really want to be involve in their corrupt culture?! Do we really want to run their lives?! I say hold on to religious sites such as Hebron and ALL OF JERUSALEM, give the rest back to them. I am all for this wall!
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