
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Releasing of the Oil Reserves: a Stunt for Election ONLY!

Ok, now we are definitely in election mode. U.S. voluntarily decides to release some of its reserves to ease the deficiencies of Libya and the conflict there. Yeah Right!!! Click Here for the full story. This is a stunt by Obama administration since things are not looking good at all for him. His disastrous economic policies have not worked. Geee what a Surprise?! His main focus became passing the “health care reform” that would cost the U.S Government billions of dollars and it would worsen our debt problem. His Stimulus Plan was nothing but a waste and a payoff to his allies. So now, the gas prices have gone up. There is one thing about Gas prices that you should and to put it in the most simplified fashion, if gas prices go up, the economy will tank. High gas prices would hit American pockets directly. The cost of living, the cost of food, the cost of air-travel, and many other type of costs would dramatically increases. If the costs increases in such a bad economy, it would simply destroy any sign of recovery. These are the signs we are seeing here. However, another issue is that America voters would look at gas prices as a way to evaluate a President. The Mainstream Media used the gas prices to destroy Bush.
When Gas prices went up under Bush, the mainstream media ripped a new one for Bush. They accused Bush of being in bed with the Oil Companies and they are doing it together just to make them money. Under Obama, time after time, we witnessed his open relationship with the Oil companies. The biggest one was: BP. BP was the biggest contributor to Obama’s campaign before he was elected as the President. However, they received a huge pay off. To make a very long story short, with Obama’s hidden green light, Ireland approved a Libyan terrorist who plotted and executed a terrorist plan that caused a bomb to go in an American flight killing all the passengers on that flight, to be released from Irish jails (he was supposed to die 3 months after his release which was 3 years ago-HE IS STILL ALIVE). That happened with BP heavily lobbying the courts behind the doors. Two weeks after the release of that murderer, Gadhafi personally awarded BP with the rights to do offshore drilling of the Coast of Libya. Then if it wasn’t bad enough, as soon as things started getting bad in Libya, Obama without the consent of Congress or even addressing the issue with the American public, conducted air-assault to support the oppositions in Libya. However, Obama quickly stopped the air raids and handed over the operation to NATO after the Libyan opposition took over the oil rich territories and refineries. Guess who had the most stakes in those areas: BP AGAIN! (BTW: mainstream media just argued that Obama is involved in Libya ONLY for humanitarian issues and to prove to the Arab world that he is with the people). Questions: why hasn’t he lifted a finger against Syrian regime who is one of the main supporters of terrorism in the region and openly murdering Syrian citizens? Oh yeah, No BP and no Oil!
So now he is about to go into reelection and the economy is tanked, mysteriously and without any warning or fair reasons, he releases U.S reserves which would not solve U.S economy problems in the long run. This act is more like a bandage for a short term. It will help the economy maybe for a year or two until the election. This is amazing. Instead of thinking long term to solve the problems, he is simply thinking about reelection only. ENJOY THE CHANGE YOU BROUGHT AMERICA!

Monday, June 20, 2011

U.S. Supreme Court Court Hands over a Perfect Ruling

Today is a very slow news day. However, being a former law student and an attorney, I love to check the Legal News too. I was shocked to see this piece on Click Here for the full story. The Supreme Court finally blocked this massive stupidity and corporate crushing law suit to go on. Lately, The Supreme Court (S.C) has been handing down very intelligent rulings with regards to businesses. This law suit was nothing more than a stupid tactic for Class Action Lawyers uniting with bunch of feminists who seems to have no connection to reality, to make some money. There are huge problems for females struggling in the job market to be treated and paid the same as the men; however this case was not addressing it. The S.C. saw right through it and they attacked the core issue of the problem which was: the claims are too scattered and this case is simply too big. Overall, good ruling on the part of S.C.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Hypocrisy of Pro-Palestinian Thirst for Freedom

As I am following the Arab Springs, I am very reluctant to invest any hope in any of the movements. I try to follow it and learn from it and use history to find glimpse of hope in the mist of such movements. One thing that I have learned is that this movement is way too chaotic across the region to be able to categorize them in a single description. For example, nobody could come out and say that these movements are Islamic, or they are secular, or they are pro-Palestinian, or pro-Western. It is too chaotic for one to even predict what will happen in the near future or even plan for it. However, the tales that are coming from these movements tends to have the similar theme to it.
Arab Spring has provided the key players in the region with a chaotic environment that permit these players to play their hands. From Iran to Al-Qaeda to Hezbollah to Palestinian Movements, they are desperately trying to somehow create an environment that serves their best interest. At the same time, some of these players are desperately trying to rescue their allies in the region. This is where hypocrisy of the pro-Palestinian movements and its supporter has shined that would stupefy an unbiased viewer.
Syrian Army is committing horrendous crimes against humanity. They are openly and vindictively massacring the anti-Government supporters. Click here for the article in Time Magazine that describes some of these atrocities. What do we see from the Arab world and the supporter of the pro-Palestinian movements? NOTHING! Absolute silence! Not a word! To add to the wound, the U.N. who will pass libraries of resolutions condemning Israel for “Excessive Force” if a terrorist suffers a scratch during an act of terrorism against Israel’s civilian population, has been fairly quiet.
The hypocrisy takes a much better turn. Iranian government who has been actively involved in many of the anti-government movements in the region and openly supports and/or funds these movements, has chosen to describe the Syrian Opposition as “kharabkar” which basically means terrorists. Iran has been actively involved in Bahrain and Egypt. In Bahrain, there are stacks of documents proving Iranian involvement in the movement and Islamisation of the movements. Yet, when it comes to Syria, whose government is far worse than Bahrain with regards to oppression of its people, they have been absolutely silent.
Now let’s go a step forward, if being silent about the Syrian movement and characterizing them as “terrorist” is not enough, they are actively involved in suppression of these movements in Syria. Of course, the Iranian government and its leaders are experts at suppressing movements and they are handing out expert advice as to how to murder these protesters and defusing their movements. Iranian government has a spectacular track record when it comes to murdering and destroying democratic movements. There are many evidences that show that many acts that Syrian governments are committing are coming directly from Tehran. One example of it is not allowing funeral services taking place for the soldiers who were shot by the Syrian Army. Another example is when the person heard the agent not speaking a word of Arabic.
A lot of the pro-Palestinian mouthpiece in this corner of the world will try to classify these evidences as mythical tales. However, one aspect of this movement that gives support to these claims is Hezbollah’s behavior. The Coward leader of Hezbollah, Nasrallah, who has been in hiding since 2006, openly supported the Egyptian movement against Mubarak. At the same time, he openly supports Syrian’s government who is far more barbaric toward the protesters than any other regime with exception of Libyan government. Nasrallah even went further to support and praise Assad as a ruler of Syria. This sort of acts directly proves that Iran and its Bitch (a.k.a. Hezbollah) are actively supporting Assad’s massacring of the protesters. Hezbollah and Iran are not just quiet supporters and if history has taught us anything, it would show that these two agents will directly get involved to support their interest.
So at the end, so much for Freedom and Human Rights!!! Pro-Palestinian groups are mute, the U.N is quiet, and Hezbollah and Iran are actively working to destroy the Syrian Anti-Government movements. One might ask, Why? What difference does Syria make for Palestinians? The answer has to do with Hezbollah and its enemy Israel. Syria is a direct supporter of Hezbollah and provides this terrorist group with supply lines of Arms that are purchased by Iranian money for this group. The rout is pretty direct: Iran buys and produce these weapons, ship them to Syria, and from Syria they are delivered to South Lebanon and Hezbollah. These so called Pro-Palestinian groups hate Israel so much and with so much passion that they will sacrifice anything and anybody to achieve their goal which is ultimately the destruction of this Jewish State. Human Rights and Freedom is only an excuse or justification. These groups are fueled by hatred. This is the good old anti-Semitism that we see in action in today’s world.
These Pro-Palestinian groups were sitting quietly when Iranian protesters were being raped and murdered back in 2009. These same groups are still sitting quietly as Syrian government is repeating the same crimes against its own citizens. The level of barbarianism involved in this region in terms of suppressing these movements is beyond anything our civil society could even begin to imagine, yet stupid groups such as Coldplay is busy making stupid songs against Israel. The Arab Spring proved one thing at the end and that is the level of Morality the Israeli Army and Israeli Government has shown in terms of dealing with not just regular protesters who are asking for democracy and/or freedom, rather group of people who are sworn to destroy and massacre its population. The Western world is too blind with its inherited Anti-Semitism to realize appreciate this level of morality and self-control that Israel has utilized throughout history to deal with its enemies. However, sooner or later, the Arab public will see the difference.
At the end, nobody knows what will happen in Syria. Most likely thousands will be massacred and then the protesters will vanish. This is the Middle East Dictators’ Playbook. Then another war with Israel might pop out or we have this stupid U.N Recognition of Palestine that will be utilized by these ruthless regimes to distract their publics. All I could say is this that my thoughts and prayers are with those Syrian Protesters.

Sunday, June 05, 2011

The Whores of the Middle East: Palestinians and their Fraudulent Cause

One again, the whores of the Middle East are at it again. By whores of the Middle East, I am referring to the Palestinians and their fraudulent cause. I have analyzed why I classify this cause as a fraudulent cause in detail. However, to sum it up, the reason this cause is fraudulent is because it utilizes nothing but lies and propaganda to deceive the world and utilize their inherited historic anti-Semitism to buy sympathy for their cause. A true cause would never ever need to resort to lies, deceits, terror, tampering and photoshoping pictures, fake videos, fake victims, fakes bodies, and many other deceitful acts they have committed throughout the history.
Another perfect example of this fraudulent cause is the fact the troubled leader of Syria has taken up Palestinian cause to divert attention from his ruthless campaign against his domestic protestors. This is nothing new. These whores of Middle East are constantly being used by the dictators or Islamists from each corner of this region. One day, Palestinians are Pro-Saddam, another day they are Pro-Kaddafi, another day they are Pro-Assad. Just like the local whores who would just be with anybody who are willing to pay them anything, this fraudulent cause and its supporters switch side in a minute regardless of how contradictory their ideologies are in comparison to each other. In many cases, these supporters would not even support a democratic movement in countries who are big supporters of Palestinian Cause. They have even taken arms against the local activists and participated in oppression of democratic movements. A perfect example of it is Iran and during the Anti-Government protests after the controversial election of Ahmadinejad. Die-heart fan of Palestinian Cause were completely mute about what was taking place and not a single word of support had come from any of them. It was a shocking sight since these supporters hold themselves to be supporter of Human Rights and people’s right to choose. It even shocked a lot of Pro-Palestinian Iranians. To be honest, it was an enjoyable view for me.
This fraudulent cause is nothing but a local whore because as soon as anybody wishes to buy some support for their illegitimate government, they start supporting Palestinian Cause. Another perfect example of it is Turkey and its new Islamist movements. New election is coming up and now we hear Turkey trying to use Anti-Israel slogans to rally support this Islamist party. Of course, just like bunch of sheep, these citizens run to the polls and vote these guys into the office thanks to their anti-Semitic beliefs.
Over all, the Arab Springs has done an amazing job magnifying the true value of the Palestinian Cause. A perfect example of such stupidity is Syria. Click here for the full story. Assad is going through The Middle East Handbooks line by line. In the same day that his troops slaughtered 20 protesters, he encouraged and supported an international crime and breach of Israeli Border. The Syrian borders have been the safest border for Israel for over 25 years. Now that Assad is in trouble, he is trying to divert attention by utilizing the local whores.
I sometimes wonder and ask, “Do these Palestinian have ANY self-respect?” I mean come on, throughout history, one dictator after another dictator, one extremists government after another extremists supported them and they quickly jumped in their arms and allowed them to use them as whores to oppress their own citizens, and the only results for them was just more death, terror, and embarrassment. Isn’t it time for Palestinian to truly stop acting this way and cut off contact with these dictators and illegitimate governments?
I do not know if this could be a correct prediction, but I think sooner or later, things will change in the Middle East. Sooner or later, the Arab and Muslim communities across the globe must wake up and ask the proper questions. But meanwhile, Palestinians and the supporter of such fraudulent cause should know that they are not making friends this way by breaching Israel’s border. They are only making enemies in Syria and if Assad falls, they would lose an ally for simply siding with Assad.